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Friday, February 11, 2011


Life is so ever changing and so is the weather.  We have been sub zero and come Tuesday, we are supposed to be in the upper 40's.  We've been taking the pyrs's coats off of them mid morning.  I think they are ready to have them off more often. It sounds as though they will get a chance.

The malamutes have been unstopable in the snow.  They really wanted to have a camp out the night that it was -24, but I was not about to let that happen.  They grudgingly slept inside.

The alpacas have been quite lively, having races about the pasture.  They leap through or over the arroyos and amaze me with the distance of their leap.  I've been working on spinning some of Alfalfa's fiber.  It is working into a nice, thin yarn and is incredibly soft.  His micron count is in the low 20's, so it is quite nice yarn.

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